
Great Dane Dog Overview Personality, Information, Pictures, Characteristics, Facts & Health Care...

Great Dane is known for many names, including Deutsche Dogge, Grand Danois (Old French designation means "great Danish", Dogue Allemand (German "German Mastiff"), Ulm Dog, Ulmer Dogge Ulmermastifa, Boarhunda, Danish Dog, English Dogge, Tiger Dog, Tiger Mastiff, Grand Dani, Brosse Dogge, Hetzreude, Saufanger, Fanghund, Kammerhunde ("camera dogs"), Liebhunde ("Life Dog"), "Gentle Giant" and simply "Dane". It is a huge variety , which for hundreds of years has been grown as a separate species. Nobody knows why English adopted the French name for this truly German variety, nor is there any connection between the great Danish origin or development and the Danish state. Regardless of the word, the big size has never been Sufficient enough to make Apollo of dogs suitable for his distinguished breed, he always needed elegance, beauty, courage, nobility, speed and endurance, as well as gentle, In 1887, the American Kennel Club recognized Great Dane as a member of the working group. The adult male's big son should not be less than 30 inches at the shoulder, but it is advisable to be above 32 inches in height. Adult women should not be less than 28 inches at the shoulder, but the preference is greater than 30 inches. No upper limit of height. The Danes vary widely, but usually range from 100 to 170 pounds. This short, shiny coat is very easy to care for. The Danes have different color shades, including black, blue, brindle, light, orlequin and mantle. They are also white or mostly white and merle, which are accepted for the registration, cultivation and participation in the JCS, but are not eligible to compete. A large Danish American ring of rings can be shown with trimmed or natural ears. However, many countries are no longer allowed to denote reversed ears, and natural ears are gradually benefiting many breed lovers.

The great son is a huge variety that has been grown for hundreds of years as a different dog. The great Danes were born in Germany and possibly in England (unknown to Denmark) and were raised to hunt wilderness European wild boars. He was a strong, clever, hardy and fearless dog, and the personality and varieties of the great Daness fully corresponded to this task. However, the size and beauty alone were not enough to make Apollo of dogs a suitable representative of his distinct breed; He always needed height, weight, courage, landlord, speed and endurance. Danes today are rarely used as darts, but instead they have moved to beloved and heartfelt companions and less commonly to Turkish dogs. Therefore, the balance between temperament and physical characteristics is essential. According to the AKC Official Standard, the great Danish "must be courageous, courageous, never hateful, always friendly and trustworthy. This combination of physical and mental is a hallmark of Great Daney's great qualities that are not any other breed."

Great Danes are very large, elegant and muscular dogs. They stand upwards of 30 inches at their shoulders and weigh anywhere from 120 to 150 pounds. The great son comes from a number of colors, such as catcher, brindle, black, blue, orlequin or mantle. Although they are massive dogs, they must be square proportional, with body length corresponding to the height. They have rectangular heads. They have high, medium-sized ears that are often cropped. If it is not cut, the ears move forward, against the cheek. A long tail touches a point and should never be cropped.

Size and weight
The recommended height for men in big Danes is 32 inches at the shoulder or higher. Women should be 30 inches or higher. Show dogs will be disqualified if they are men and they are less than 30 inches or women and are less than 28 years old. Men's average weight ranges from 135 to 150 pounds, while women range from 120 to 135 pounds.

The grand dan's average life expectancy is from 7 to 10 years. The health concerns of the variety may include bloating (gastric dilatation and volvulus), kaletic dermatitis / pyoderma (over the shoulder and elbow joint), demodicosis, hip dysplasia, neck vertebral instability / malformation (Wobbler syndrome), entropion, ectropion, congenital membranes cartilage, congenital idiopathic megaeophagus, congenital deformity, shoulder osteochondrosis, lymphoma, osteosarcoma and dilated cardiomyopathy.

Coat and color
Short succulent kitty comes from six colors: light brown, blue, black, orlequin or mint. Gut dogs are gold with black masks, Brindle shells are curved and black blended throughout the body using a tiger strip. Blue is actually a gray color, orlequin is white with irregular black spots throughout the body. Mantle Great Danes is black and white with a solid black over the body.

Care needs
The big Danes, despite their short coat, are a sharp starter. Flyboys can hold the control every week with a toothbrush. Take a great dani as needed. Some owners choose to use professional grilling services for baths and nail decorations, as large Danish swimming can be a daunting task, especially if the dog is not compatible.

Check your ears regularly for signs of inflammation, infection, or wax. Clean the ears with a cotton ball and a cleanser approved by the veterinarian. Never use a cotton swab in the dog's ear canal. Cleaned teeth weekly (or more) to prevent tartar increase and do not disturb bad breath.

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