Abyssinian Cat Overview Personality Health Care
Vital statistics:
Life expectancy: 9 to 15 years
At the end of the Victorian era, the cats were quite angry. One of the unusual races displayed at the Crystal Palace cat show in 1871 was Abyssinian City - "taken at the end of the Abyssinian War" - ranked third. A report on a cats exhibition published in Harper's Week of January 27, 1872, was the first known mention of the variety print. Unfortunately, there is no record of the origin of cats, although there are countless myths and speculation, including allegations that it was a Pharaoh's cat, and that it was created in the United Kingdom, crossing silver and brown sons with cats that were "marked" coats. Today's genetic evidence suggests that cats came from the Indian Ocean and some coastal regions of Southeast Asia. British and Dutch traders may have brought cats from ports like Kolkata, India, or Indonesian islands. In the Netherlands's Leiden Zoological Museum, where it was labeled "Patrie, domestica India", the cataclysm barrier disassembled in the 1830s has been shown to confirm this theory. Cats probably received the Abyssinian name because it was said that Zula, a cat exhibited at Crystal Palace, was imported from Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). The first variety performances cross non-Abyssinian cats, which can explain the introduction of new hair colors and long, long hair. In 1900, American cat lovers introduced some Abyssinians for the first time, but Abyssinian breeding programs in the United States did not really start until 1930 when more cats were imported from Britain. It's good that several cats were exported to the United States. UU, because the Second World War devastated the race. At the end of the war, only twelve cats survived in England. However, the race has recovered and has become one of the most popular cat breeds.
It's a medium sized cat that weighs 6 to 10 pounds.
Of all the cats, the Abyssinian cat is probably the one who lives completely. He goes higher, jumps further, playing harder. Nothing disqualifies this intelligent and scientific cats - the quality that makes them an endlessly entertaining and continuous challenge to their lives. Being one step ahead of Aby, because the competition is nicknamed, or even simply goes along with it, requires traces of Fred Astaire's fancy feet, the intelligence ability of Einstein and the sense of humor that it never stops. You never know what's going to come, although you can assume that if something is something or something, your Aby will want to investigate it thoroughly. Some people refer to cats like "Aby-grabbys" because they tend to pick up things they care about. Sometimes it may seem that Aby never sleeps. He is always on the move, jumping out of the window to watch birds or squirrels, jumping to the refrigerator to monitor the preparation of food, perching on his desk to watch his finger on the keyboard, and then slipping them so he could pay attention to him place. It is a playful and persistent cat who loves the center of attention and will do everything to reach and maintain this country. Al Aby loves to play, so you plan to make or buy a variety of toys to take. This busy and intelligent cat will entertain with table tennis balls, tops of bottles, pieces of softened paper, dough toys and teasers, for example, large feathers. Teach you how to recover it at your own risk. When you start, he will not let you stop. Learn the tricks quickly, and many Abys enjoy cats' passion. Height's love is Abyssinian's peculiarity. He likes to be as big as possible and appreciate that he has one or more ceiling-height cats. If they are not available, he is fully capable of reaching the highest point in any room. Fortunately, he is naturally graceful and rarely releases items, unless it is simply curious. Abyss adapt to their entire lives and adapt well to all homes where they are loved and pay close attention. At home, where people work or study during the day, Aby better matches with a partner, ideally with another Aby who can match his level of activity. If left to their devices, Aby could well break the house by searching for something interesting. Beware! Aby can be addictive. Once that has happened, you can discover that no other cat will do it.
Both cats of both generic and mixed cats have different health problems that can be genetic. Problems that can affect helper syndrome include: Early Periodontal Disease. Hyperaesthesia Syndrome is a neurological problem that can cause cats to over-fry, causing hair loss and despair, especially when touching or tweaking.
Patellar dislocation, congenital bark joint, which may vary from mild to severe. Severe cases can be relieved by surgery.
Retinal Retinal Endoscopic Atrophy, Degenerative Eye Disorder.
Pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKD), for which a genetic test is available to identify carriers.
Renal amyloidosis, an inherited disease that occurs when a protein called the amyloidide is deposited in the organs of the body, primarily in the abdomen kidneys. Over time, this leads to kidney failure.
A short, thin Absinite layer is easy to care for with a weekly hairstyle to remove dead hair and spread skin oils. The baths when the cat is peeling will help to quickly remove excess hair. Clean your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. Daily dental hygiene is the best, but a weekly brush is better than nothing. Like every two weeks. To prevent leakage, wipe the corners of the eyes with a soft, damp cloth. Each acne should use a separate fabric so that you do not risk the spread of any infection. Check your ears every week. If they look dirty, clean them with a cotton ball or a soft cloth moistened with 50-50 mixture of cider vinegar and warm water. Do not use cotton swabs that can damage the inside of the ear. Keep the waste bins clean and clean. Cats are particularly concerned with bathroom hygiene, and a dirty box allows them to start using other places in the house. It is a good idea to leave Abyssinia alone as an indoor cats to protect it from other cats, dog attacks or coyotes, and other threats faced by cats that come out of the room, for example, to hit a car. Abyssinians who go outdoors also have the risk of being robbed by someone who wants such a beautiful cat to not pay.
Coat color and preparation
It's often said that Aby seems to have left the wild. That's because their recognized model of fur similar to wild cats, such as fluffy ones. The marked layer for each hair strap has alternative light and dark colored stripes. Everything she shows is about his life and attention. Aby has a slightly rounded wedge-shaped head, blamed for large and wide ears, so you can listen better. The golden or green eyes of a large almond shape show interest in everything they see. The dark line on the face can be stretched out of the eyes and eyebrows. The muscular body is funny and sporty. It is in the medium term between a strong body or a kobion, a race like the Persian and the long and slender body of the Eastern races, such as the Siamese. The body supports thin legs and thin bones in small, oval and compact legs. It is often said that Abys seems to be on the tendon. Tapping behind them is a long and sharp tail. Their colorful lanes give Aby a warm and bright look. Tapping, medium-length hair is soft and silky with a fine texture. The coat has four main colors: reddish brown, artistically described as burnt wall and marked with dark brown or black color, with red nose skin and black or brown padlocks; red (sometimes called sour), cinnamon tone marked with brown chocolate, with pink nose skin and foot pads; blue, warm, beige, orange, marked with a variety of shades of bluish hue, with nose skin, described as an old rose and paws of paws, such as cane; and the cock is a warm beige sand, labeled with light cocoa brown color, with salmon skin and pink leg pallets. Some associations allow additional colors such as chocolate, lilacs and various silver tones.
Children and pets
Active and social abessens are the ideal choice for families with children and dogs, cats friends. He will play and seek out any retrover, learn tricks, and love the attention he receives from children who treat him decently and with dignity. He is smart enough to get out of the road for young children, but he loves school children because they are compatible with their energy level and interest. Nothing shameless for him, of course, no dogs, and he will be happy to contact them if they have no problem. It is also known that the abyss meet well with big parrots, ferrets and other animals. Always introduce pets, including other cats, in a slow and controlled environment.
Life expectancy: 9 to 15 years
At the end of the Victorian era, the cats were quite angry. One of the unusual races displayed at the Crystal Palace cat show in 1871 was Abyssinian City - "taken at the end of the Abyssinian War" - ranked third. A report on a cats exhibition published in Harper's Week of January 27, 1872, was the first known mention of the variety print. Unfortunately, there is no record of the origin of cats, although there are countless myths and speculation, including allegations that it was a Pharaoh's cat, and that it was created in the United Kingdom, crossing silver and brown sons with cats that were "marked" coats. Today's genetic evidence suggests that cats came from the Indian Ocean and some coastal regions of Southeast Asia. British and Dutch traders may have brought cats from ports like Kolkata, India, or Indonesian islands. In the Netherlands's Leiden Zoological Museum, where it was labeled "Patrie, domestica India", the cataclysm barrier disassembled in the 1830s has been shown to confirm this theory. Cats probably received the Abyssinian name because it was said that Zula, a cat exhibited at Crystal Palace, was imported from Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). The first variety performances cross non-Abyssinian cats, which can explain the introduction of new hair colors and long, long hair. In 1900, American cat lovers introduced some Abyssinians for the first time, but Abyssinian breeding programs in the United States did not really start until 1930 when more cats were imported from Britain. It's good that several cats were exported to the United States. UU, because the Second World War devastated the race. At the end of the war, only twelve cats survived in England. However, the race has recovered and has become one of the most popular cat breeds.
It's a medium sized cat that weighs 6 to 10 pounds.
Of all the cats, the Abyssinian cat is probably the one who lives completely. He goes higher, jumps further, playing harder. Nothing disqualifies this intelligent and scientific cats - the quality that makes them an endlessly entertaining and continuous challenge to their lives. Being one step ahead of Aby, because the competition is nicknamed, or even simply goes along with it, requires traces of Fred Astaire's fancy feet, the intelligence ability of Einstein and the sense of humor that it never stops. You never know what's going to come, although you can assume that if something is something or something, your Aby will want to investigate it thoroughly. Some people refer to cats like "Aby-grabbys" because they tend to pick up things they care about. Sometimes it may seem that Aby never sleeps. He is always on the move, jumping out of the window to watch birds or squirrels, jumping to the refrigerator to monitor the preparation of food, perching on his desk to watch his finger on the keyboard, and then slipping them so he could pay attention to him place. It is a playful and persistent cat who loves the center of attention and will do everything to reach and maintain this country. Al Aby loves to play, so you plan to make or buy a variety of toys to take. This busy and intelligent cat will entertain with table tennis balls, tops of bottles, pieces of softened paper, dough toys and teasers, for example, large feathers. Teach you how to recover it at your own risk. When you start, he will not let you stop. Learn the tricks quickly, and many Abys enjoy cats' passion. Height's love is Abyssinian's peculiarity. He likes to be as big as possible and appreciate that he has one or more ceiling-height cats. If they are not available, he is fully capable of reaching the highest point in any room. Fortunately, he is naturally graceful and rarely releases items, unless it is simply curious. Abyss adapt to their entire lives and adapt well to all homes where they are loved and pay close attention. At home, where people work or study during the day, Aby better matches with a partner, ideally with another Aby who can match his level of activity. If left to their devices, Aby could well break the house by searching for something interesting. Beware! Aby can be addictive. Once that has happened, you can discover that no other cat will do it.
Both cats of both generic and mixed cats have different health problems that can be genetic. Problems that can affect helper syndrome include: Early Periodontal Disease. Hyperaesthesia Syndrome is a neurological problem that can cause cats to over-fry, causing hair loss and despair, especially when touching or tweaking.
Patellar dislocation, congenital bark joint, which may vary from mild to severe. Severe cases can be relieved by surgery.
Retinal Retinal Endoscopic Atrophy, Degenerative Eye Disorder.
Pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKD), for which a genetic test is available to identify carriers.
Renal amyloidosis, an inherited disease that occurs when a protein called the amyloidide is deposited in the organs of the body, primarily in the abdomen kidneys. Over time, this leads to kidney failure.
A short, thin Absinite layer is easy to care for with a weekly hairstyle to remove dead hair and spread skin oils. The baths when the cat is peeling will help to quickly remove excess hair. Clean your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. Daily dental hygiene is the best, but a weekly brush is better than nothing. Like every two weeks. To prevent leakage, wipe the corners of the eyes with a soft, damp cloth. Each acne should use a separate fabric so that you do not risk the spread of any infection. Check your ears every week. If they look dirty, clean them with a cotton ball or a soft cloth moistened with 50-50 mixture of cider vinegar and warm water. Do not use cotton swabs that can damage the inside of the ear. Keep the waste bins clean and clean. Cats are particularly concerned with bathroom hygiene, and a dirty box allows them to start using other places in the house. It is a good idea to leave Abyssinia alone as an indoor cats to protect it from other cats, dog attacks or coyotes, and other threats faced by cats that come out of the room, for example, to hit a car. Abyssinians who go outdoors also have the risk of being robbed by someone who wants such a beautiful cat to not pay.
Coat color and preparation
It's often said that Aby seems to have left the wild. That's because their recognized model of fur similar to wild cats, such as fluffy ones. The marked layer for each hair strap has alternative light and dark colored stripes. Everything she shows is about his life and attention. Aby has a slightly rounded wedge-shaped head, blamed for large and wide ears, so you can listen better. The golden or green eyes of a large almond shape show interest in everything they see. The dark line on the face can be stretched out of the eyes and eyebrows. The muscular body is funny and sporty. It is in the medium term between a strong body or a kobion, a race like the Persian and the long and slender body of the Eastern races, such as the Siamese. The body supports thin legs and thin bones in small, oval and compact legs. It is often said that Abys seems to be on the tendon. Tapping behind them is a long and sharp tail. Their colorful lanes give Aby a warm and bright look. Tapping, medium-length hair is soft and silky with a fine texture. The coat has four main colors: reddish brown, artistically described as burnt wall and marked with dark brown or black color, with red nose skin and black or brown padlocks; red (sometimes called sour), cinnamon tone marked with brown chocolate, with pink nose skin and foot pads; blue, warm, beige, orange, marked with a variety of shades of bluish hue, with nose skin, described as an old rose and paws of paws, such as cane; and the cock is a warm beige sand, labeled with light cocoa brown color, with salmon skin and pink leg pallets. Some associations allow additional colors such as chocolate, lilacs and various silver tones.
Children and pets
Active and social abessens are the ideal choice for families with children and dogs, cats friends. He will play and seek out any retrover, learn tricks, and love the attention he receives from children who treat him decently and with dignity. He is smart enough to get out of the road for young children, but he loves school children because they are compatible with their energy level and interest. Nothing shameless for him, of course, no dogs, and he will be happy to contact them if they have no problem. It is also known that the abyss meet well with big parrots, ferrets and other animals. Always introduce pets, including other cats, in a slow and controlled environment.
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