Nebelung Cat Overview Personality, Information, Pictures, Characteristics, Facts & Health Care...
Vital statistics:
Life expectancy: 11 to 16 years
Nebelung has the reputation of being a soft and calm cat, a little shy, but he does not have the wrong idea. This cat may be reserved in nature, but he loves to play (especially what he likes to do) and enjoys jumping or climbing in high places where he can explore people and situations in his fun before thinking if he wants to get involved. The guests will not receive immediate attention and will never see it, as long as he decides that they are not worthy of his statement, but he is always faithful to the family members, especially his benefactor, he follows them through the house and even execute his shoulder Nebelung is a sensitive cat who does not like to be ignored and injured if he does not receive the same amount of love he gives. Insufficient care can cause your anxiety or fear.
While Nebelung loves your company, you can entertain the same day while you are at work. Unlike some intelligent and active races, it is not destructive, but moves around the house with the trick of the Russian dancer. If you're at home, your subtle sense of humor and arrogance can never entertain you. Just make sure you laugh at him, not him. He has a clear sense of self-esteem and does not like to feel it.
It is the cat that works best in a quiet and stable environment. He does not like change, and it is especially important for him that food arrives on time. You must admit that it is a reliable alarm clock in the morning, not because you do not miss your work, so you do not miss your meal.
If you take the time to develop a relationship with Nebelung, your reward will be a deep bond with this loving cat.
Both breeding cats and mixed cats have different health problems that can be genetic. However, Nebelung is healthy. The main problem of the owner is probably the abundant appetite of this cat, which can turn it from soft to durable.
Watch out
Do not use a long, dense sheath twice a week to remove dead hair and spread oils from the skin.
Clean your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. The best thing is daily dental hygiene, but every week, rinsing is better than nothing. The nails are cut every few weeks. To remove the discharge, wipe the corners of the eyes with a soft, damp cloth. Each acne must use a separate cloth so that it does not run the risk of spreading any infection. Check your ears every week. If they look dirty, clean them with a cotton ball or a soft, damp cloth moistened with a 50-50 mixture of cider vinegar and warm water. Avoid cotton swabs that can damage the inside of the ear.
Do not forget to clean the litter box perfectly. He is very specific about bath hygiene, and a clean litter box will also help keep his fur clean.
It is a good idea to keep Nebelung as the only indoor cats to protect it from diseases caused by other cats, dog attacks or comets and other dangers that cats face outdoors, such as being hit by a car. The Russian blues, which go outdoors, also run the risk of being stolen by someone who does not want to pay for such a beautiful cat.
Color and care
Nebelung looks like an elegant but muscular Russian blue, but with a thick, glossy coat of medium length. Its general appearance is a long, durable and muscular cat.
The Cats Nebelung International Standard Breed Association invites you to modify a spiked head that is much more rounded than its long hair, although its long hair can give a rounded appearance to its head. The large ears are broad at the base with the pointed ends, and the deep green eyes abundant have a slightly oval shape and are widely spaced. Kittens may have yellowish green eyes, but until they are two years old, they should have developed in a free green color. The burner pad is charcoal gray.
A long, thin neck sometimes seems shorter than it really is due to Nebelung's dense skin. The body is what is called a semi-foreign language, which means that it is moderately formed, which is somewhere between the body of a short and compact body, such as the Persian and the eastern soft varieties of the east, for example , Siam. It's sporty, but it's not big, with a moderately boned body that is well-proportioned.
The base of the body is long, with half-swollen legs, placed on an oval foot of medium size and rounded, with a large finger between the fingers. Nebelung seems to walk on foot. Its tail is at least as long as its body from the shoulder blades to the back, covered with fur that is longer than body hair.
Nebelung stands out for its luxurious fur and incredible color. A double cover of average length covers the body, increasing the length from the shoulder to the tail. Men have different neck skin, but women are less well-off. Behind the ears there is a blue-blue tone. The skin, which covers the back of the upper part of the thighs, gives Nebelung long-lasting and worn panties. The outer layer is sophisticated and silky, the coats are soft and pink. The fur usually does not go completely until the cat is two years old. In the winter it is thicker, longer and smoother.
The incredible Nebelung may look gray, but in the cat show it is blue to the roots. It adapts perfectly if the fur is a silver tip that makes the fur shiny, but often the silver fit is only noticed on the head and shoulders. Some Nebelung kittens are born with "ghost stripes", which is a reminder of the cat gene that is for each cat, even if it is not expressed in the carcass, but they usually disappear, leaving the cat with a blue coat of maturity.
Children and pets
Nebelon is tolerant of children who are kind and respectful to them, but can be wary of younger children who overcome them. Always supervise very young children when they want to love a cat.
Nebelung accepts other animals, including dogs, unless they are defeated or helpless. The animals are introduced slowly and under controlled conditions to ensure that they learn to meet.
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