Korat Cat Overview Personality, Information, Pictures, Characteristics, Facts & Health Care...
Vital statistics:
Lifecycle: 10 to 15 years
It's a medium sized cat that weighs 6 to 10 pounds.
The intelligent and persistent Korat is the owner of his people. He likes being close and not attending visitors. He gives his heart to one or two people whose company he prefers or with whom he spends more time, but he certainly wants to accept other love.
Consider this trend before you become Korat, if you have a cat that follows it all the time, it will keep you crazy. Korat is not lonely. It's better with a company, or someone works at home or in another animal. It seems that there is a reason why they have traditionally always been in pairs. Coral, which often remains alone or ignored, can lead to behavioral problems such as aggression or separation anxiety.
This does not mean that the grown-ups of Korat can not change their senses. New home cats adapt quickly and work closely with the new family.
It's an energetic cat who enjoys learning tricks, plays loads and even walks along the way. It's easy to teach home rules to the kingdom, if you reward it with glories, a happy "good cat" or a gift. Limit the corrections to the strong "no!" Or, secretly.
If you have several cats, make sure everyone has a lot of toys. Korat did not learn to share kittygarten and can be firm in leaving toys or other items that he considers to be his own.
Although it can be bold with a certain taste and dislike, Korat is usually a quiet cat who likes a quiet environment. Although not familiar with speaking, he is able to make a lot of different sounds, ranging from screaming to crying when he wants to express his opinion.
Choose Korata if you like the cat's dress. He will be happy to fulfill this desire whenever he wants.
Both cats with pedigrees and mixed cats have different health problems that can be genetic. Cortises are generally healthy, but they have a couple of problems that buyers should take into account: genetically degenerating neuromuscular disease and low levels of body fat that can make them vulnerable to anesthesia.
Gangliosidosis GM1 and GM2 occur when cats do not have the specific enzymes necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Fortunately, tests are available to identify cats that carry the disease, so the situation is rare.
In general, the skin has a low percentage of body fat, so veterinarians should keep in mind the amount and type of anesthetic used when Korat undergoes any kind of surgery.
Be sure to ask the breeder about the incidence of health problems on their lines and what tests have been done for any genetic nature. In the case of GM1 or GM2, both parents should have been evaluated, and if positive, or the carrier, the kittens should also be evaluated.
The only short coat of Korah requires little preparation. Combine it once a week to remove dead hairs. Bathrooms are rarely necessary.
Clean your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. Daily dental hygiene is the best, but a weekly brush is better than nothing. Like every two weeks. To prevent leakage, wipe the corners of the eyes with a soft, damp cloth. Each acne should use a separate fabric so that you do not risk the spread of any infection.
Check your ears every week. If they look dirty, clean them with a cotton ball or a soft cloth moistened with 50-50 mixture of cider vinegar and warm water. Do not use cotton swabs that can damage the inside of the ear.
Keep the waste bins clean and clean. Cats are very important for bath hygiene.
It's right to save Korat as an indoor cats to protect it from other cats-borne diseases, dog attacks or coyotes, and other threats that cats are exposed, such as a car. There is also the risk that somebody who goes outdoors can be taken away by someone who wants to not pay such a beautiful cat.
Coat color and preparation
With a blue coat with a silver tip and huge green eyes, "how brilliant, like drops to rust on a lotus leaf," Korat is one of the most beautiful Thai exports. It also features a heart-shaped head, large ears and an expression of anxiety.
The eyes of the cortex after birth are blue. Growing up, the eyes become amber, the pupil is surrounded by a green bar. By the time the cat is between two and four years old, the eyes have become a vivid green color, for which the variety is known.
The short individual layer has a light blue in the roots, then deepens at the end of the silver tip, creating a halo effect. Unlike some varieties, the cat has its own silver blue color since the birth of kittens, although the kittens may be known as the "pigeon ghost" tags. They should get lost after maturity. The skin of the nose, lip and legs of cora ranges from dark blue to lavender.
Children and pets
Korat will appreciate the attention of the children who duly treat them and enjoy playing and learning tricks. With proper supervision, they can be a good companion to children.
Like many cats that originated in Southeast Asia, Korat tends to favor other Korat. They can meet with other cats and dogs, but they will be honored. It may or may not work well with other animals. However, Korat likes to be a company, and if he spends a lot of time with another cats or dog, they can become good friends.
Lifecycle: 10 to 15 years
It's a medium sized cat that weighs 6 to 10 pounds.
The intelligent and persistent Korat is the owner of his people. He likes being close and not attending visitors. He gives his heart to one or two people whose company he prefers or with whom he spends more time, but he certainly wants to accept other love.
Consider this trend before you become Korat, if you have a cat that follows it all the time, it will keep you crazy. Korat is not lonely. It's better with a company, or someone works at home or in another animal. It seems that there is a reason why they have traditionally always been in pairs. Coral, which often remains alone or ignored, can lead to behavioral problems such as aggression or separation anxiety.
This does not mean that the grown-ups of Korat can not change their senses. New home cats adapt quickly and work closely with the new family.
It's an energetic cat who enjoys learning tricks, plays loads and even walks along the way. It's easy to teach home rules to the kingdom, if you reward it with glories, a happy "good cat" or a gift. Limit the corrections to the strong "no!" Or, secretly.
If you have several cats, make sure everyone has a lot of toys. Korat did not learn to share kittygarten and can be firm in leaving toys or other items that he considers to be his own.
Although it can be bold with a certain taste and dislike, Korat is usually a quiet cat who likes a quiet environment. Although not familiar with speaking, he is able to make a lot of different sounds, ranging from screaming to crying when he wants to express his opinion.
Choose Korata if you like the cat's dress. He will be happy to fulfill this desire whenever he wants.
Both cats with pedigrees and mixed cats have different health problems that can be genetic. Cortises are generally healthy, but they have a couple of problems that buyers should take into account: genetically degenerating neuromuscular disease and low levels of body fat that can make them vulnerable to anesthesia.
Gangliosidosis GM1 and GM2 occur when cats do not have the specific enzymes necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Fortunately, tests are available to identify cats that carry the disease, so the situation is rare.
In general, the skin has a low percentage of body fat, so veterinarians should keep in mind the amount and type of anesthetic used when Korat undergoes any kind of surgery.
Be sure to ask the breeder about the incidence of health problems on their lines and what tests have been done for any genetic nature. In the case of GM1 or GM2, both parents should have been evaluated, and if positive, or the carrier, the kittens should also be evaluated.
The only short coat of Korah requires little preparation. Combine it once a week to remove dead hairs. Bathrooms are rarely necessary.
Clean your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. Daily dental hygiene is the best, but a weekly brush is better than nothing. Like every two weeks. To prevent leakage, wipe the corners of the eyes with a soft, damp cloth. Each acne should use a separate fabric so that you do not risk the spread of any infection.
Check your ears every week. If they look dirty, clean them with a cotton ball or a soft cloth moistened with 50-50 mixture of cider vinegar and warm water. Do not use cotton swabs that can damage the inside of the ear.
Keep the waste bins clean and clean. Cats are very important for bath hygiene.
It's right to save Korat as an indoor cats to protect it from other cats-borne diseases, dog attacks or coyotes, and other threats that cats are exposed, such as a car. There is also the risk that somebody who goes outdoors can be taken away by someone who wants to not pay such a beautiful cat.
Coat color and preparation
With a blue coat with a silver tip and huge green eyes, "how brilliant, like drops to rust on a lotus leaf," Korat is one of the most beautiful Thai exports. It also features a heart-shaped head, large ears and an expression of anxiety.
The eyes of the cortex after birth are blue. Growing up, the eyes become amber, the pupil is surrounded by a green bar. By the time the cat is between two and four years old, the eyes have become a vivid green color, for which the variety is known.
The short individual layer has a light blue in the roots, then deepens at the end of the silver tip, creating a halo effect. Unlike some varieties, the cat has its own silver blue color since the birth of kittens, although the kittens may be known as the "pigeon ghost" tags. They should get lost after maturity. The skin of the nose, lip and legs of cora ranges from dark blue to lavender.
Children and pets
Korat will appreciate the attention of the children who duly treat them and enjoy playing and learning tricks. With proper supervision, they can be a good companion to children.
Like many cats that originated in Southeast Asia, Korat tends to favor other Korat. They can meet with other cats and dogs, but they will be honored. It may or may not work well with other animals. However, Korat likes to be a company, and if he spends a lot of time with another cats or dog, they can become good friends.
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