
Siberian Cat Overview Personality Health Care

Vital Stats:
Life expectancy: 11 to 15 years

This cat usually weighs 8-17 lbs - and sometimes more.

The heart of Siberia is warm, because her homeland is cold. She loves people and wants to be close to them, so happy cats will follow you, including in the bathroom, and help you with all your reading, watching television, computer work and preparing food. Seating on your lap when you wear her feathers may be the highlight of that day. When you return from work, she can not wait for the mustache, but she's happy to explain everything to her about her day in quiet, cheerful tricks and tricks, along with some forests and monkeys. Guests can see that he is a great businessman; It's not usually a cats who are shy about taking strangers.

Not to mention loving and helpful, Siberia is active and playful. He will take the games by casting your favorite play. Anything can be a smart cats toy, so keep jewelry or other potentially intriguing items out of sight. Teaching His Tricks is a fun and easy way to challenge his courageous brain.

Thanks to her heritage as a forest man, she likes to play water - maybe it is a genetic memory that she dishes. Do not be surprised if she can touch a cube, drink from the fountain or touch, or make puddles, lifting her legs in her water bowl. Like a job and a hunting cat, he is very sporty and you can see him balancing the door or raising himself to a higher point in the room. In fact, Siberian coaches can be a mystery to the success of Russian gymnasts.

Activity and noise did not bother him. Quiet nature allows her to be a cat's therapist. If nothing else, she will be happy to meet you when you stay with a cold or other illness. And while she loves attention, she does not need it and patiently waits until he has time to eat.

Both breeds of cats and mixed cats have different health problems that can be genetic. The syndrome is usually healthy, but the problem seen in the race is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a form of heart disease that causes an increase in heart muscle. This is found in cats other than herds and worship. Siberia is one of the varieties that can be affected by this disease.

The Siberian thick triple coat should be sewn or cut several times a week to avoid ties or carpets. The coat will be released from the spring and autumn season, and you may need to take care of it more often at that time. Baths are rarely needed, which is a good thing because the coat is very waterproof. It can be difficult to get enough wet Syrian shampoo for her.

Clean your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. The best is daily dental hygiene, but every week, rinsing is better than nothing. Like reducing every few weeks. To remove the discharge, wipe the corners of the eyes with a soft, damp cloth. Use a separate tissue area for each acai to prevent the risk of spreading the infection.

Check your ears every week. If they look dirty, wipe them with a cotton ball or a soft, damp cloth, read 50-50 cups of cider vinegar and hot water. Avoid cotton swabs that can damage the ear.

Most Siberian growth occurs in its first year and half of life. Your kitten grower may recommend feeding his kitten at that time to make sure he gets enough food.

Keep the waste bin clean. Cats are especially about the cleanliness of the bathroom, and a clean junk box will also help hold the long coat.

It is a good idea to save Siberia as an internal cat to protect him from diseases that are spreading with other cats, attacks on dogs or koyotes, as well as other risks faced by cats outside, like the car. Exit Siberians risk being stolen from someone who wants to be such a beautiful cat who does not pay for it. If possible, create your own Siberian territory with a large outdoor enclosure where you can pass and climb safely.

Coloring and care
In Siberia, there is a great triple coat with a hair shield (outer shell), cilantro hairs (midsole) and low wool. He has a rich headquarters around his neck, thick, but slightly shorter with shoulder blades and lower extremities, as well as a thick bone in the abdomen and britches (upper hind legs). The Christmas tailor expands in cold weather. The cards are all colors and combinations of colors, with or without white.

Looks strong and watchful, but sees the world with a sweet expression. His head is a modified wedge with rounded contours, located at the top and slightly narrowed to the end of the weapon. Big ears are well-organized with feather bouquets. Almost round eyes can be green, gold, green gold or bronze. White Siberia or Siberia may have blue or strange eyes with white spots.

A "heavy, heavy, heavy" slogan can be written in the Siberian mind. It's a medium-sized large cat that weighs 8 to 17 pounds and sometimes more. In Siberia, it takes five years to reach all sizes and coats. His body is muscular, and he has large round paws with feather bouquets and a thick fur tail.

Children and pets
Siberia has a courageous attitude, and she lacks a lot. These qualities make him a great choice for a family with children. No night monster can get the Siberian past on guard at the bottom of the child's bed. He is happy to live with other cats and cats-friendly dogs, until they know that he is responsible. Animals are introduced slowly and under controlled conditions to make sure they learn together.

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